Advertisements for the Internet promise you a world of information, entertainment, on- line shopping and e- mail services. (1) However, the real world of the Internet may not be as perfect as the advertisements suggest.
Îí-ëàéííààð þì õóäàëäàæ àâàõ, àæèë áîëîí ¿çâýð ¿éë÷èëãýý, çàð ñóðòàë÷èëãàà çýðýã äýëèéí ìýäýýëëèéã èíòåðíåòýýñ àâ÷ áîëíî. õýäèéãýð òèéì áîëîâ÷ ¿íýíäýý èíòåðíåò íü çàð ñóðòàë÷èëãàà ñàíàë áîëãîäîã øèã òèéì òºãñ áèø þì.
Using the internet offers many advantages. (2) For example, all of the latest information is available to you, in your home, at any hour of the day of night. It is much faster and easier to surf the net in search of information from all over the world than to travel to libraries in dozens of countries. (3) Firstly, on –line shopping makes it possible to search through catalogues to find exactly what you want at the best price, saving both time and money. By joining a newsgroup or chat group, you can share your hobbies and special interests, and perhaps make friends all over the world. (4) Finally, e-mail is popular because it is faster than sending a letter and cheaper than a telephone conversation.
Èíòåðíåò àøèãëàõ íü ìàø èõ äàâóó òàëóóäûã îëãîõ áîëíî. Æèøýýëáýë, Òà ãýðýýñýý ºäºð ýñâýë îðîé õýäýí öàã÷ õàìààðàõã¿éãýýð õàìãèéí ñ¿¿ëèéí àøèãòàé á¿õ ìýäýýëëèéã àâ÷ áîëíî.
Óëñ îðíóóäààð àÿëàæ, íîìûí ñàíãóóëààð ÿâàõ øààðäëàãã¿éãýýð äýëèéí ìýäýýëëèéã èíòåðíåòýýñ õàéæ àâàõ íü õÿëáàð áºãººä õóðäàí áîëñîîð áàéíà. Íýãä¿ãýýðò ìàãàäã¿é îí-ëàéíààð þì õóäàëäàæ àâàõäàà ÷ºëººòýé㺺ð êàòëîãóóäûã ¿çýí õ¿ññýí ç¿éëýý îëæ àâàõ íü òàíû öàã áîëîí ìºíãºíèé àëü àëèíèéã õýìíýíý. Äýëõèé äàÿð õ¿ì¿¿ñ ººð õîîðîíäîî îíöãîé ñîíèðõîë, õîááè ãýõ çýðãýýðýý íýã á¿ëýã áîëîí ÷àãëàí, ìàãàäã¿é ººðñäèéí íàéç íºõºäòýé áîëäîã. Ñ¿¿ëä íü ãýâýë çàõèà áè÷èõ áîëîí óòàñààð ÿðüñàíààñ èë¿¿ãýýð è-ìàéëýýð õàðèëöàõ íü ìàø õóðäàí áºãººä õÿìäõàí ºðòºãòýé áàéäàã.
(5) On the other hand, the Internet has several disadvantages. (6) Also, with so much information available, finding what you want can take you hours. Multimedia web pages with photographs, music and video are attractive, (7) But They make downloading slow and boring. (8) What is more, there is too much advertising instead of real information. As for Internet friendships, sitting at home in front of a computer making ‘chat friends’ is not the same as actually meeting people.
ͺ㺺 òàëààð èíòåðíåò íü íèëýýä äóòàãäàëòàé òàëóóäòàé ìàø èõ áýëýí ìýäýýëýëòýé ò¿¿í÷ëýí õ¿ññýí ç¿éëýý àâàõàä, îëîí òºðëèéí ìýäýýëýë á¿õèé âýá õóóäàñíóóä ôîòîçóðàãíóóä, õºãæèì, âèäåî áè÷ëýã çýðýã íü ñàéõàí áîëîâ÷, òàòàæ àâàõàë óäààí áºãººä óéòãàðòàé. ºøºº öààø íü ãýâýë òýäãýýð íü ¿íýíýäýý ìýäýýëëèéí îðîíä ñóð÷èëàãäñàí ç¿éë¿¿ä þì. Ãýðòýý êîìïüþòåðèéíõàà ºìíº ñóóæ íàéçóóäòàéãàà ÷àòëàõ íü ÿã îäîî õ¿ì¿¿ñòýé óóëçàæ áàéãààòàé àäèë áàéäàã.
(9) In conclusion, the Internet obviously has both good and bad points. Fortunately, the system is improving all the time, and any problems which still exits can be solved. Whether we like it or not, the Internet is here to stay, so we have to make the best possible use of it. Ýöýñò íü èíòåðíåò íü ñàéí ìóó õî¸ð òàëòàé àçààð ñèñòåì íü ÿìàãò ñàéæèð÷, ºíººã õ¿ðòýë øèéäýãäýýã¿é àñóóäëóóä øòéäâýðëýãäýõ áîëîìæòîé áîëñîí áàéíà. Èíòåðíåò áàéñààð áàéíà òèéìýýñ áèäíèé ¿¿íä äóðòàé äóðã¿é áàéõààñ ¿ë õàìààðàí èíòåðíåò áàéñààð áàéíà. Òèéìýýñ áèä èíòåðíåò õàìãèéí áîëîìæòîé õýðýãëýýã ñîíãîõ ¸ñòîé.
Monday, May 11, 2009
The internet: FAQs
The Internet is without doubt one of the important inventions in history. It was started in 1968 by the US government. But at first it was used mainly by scientists. Since 1990, when the World Wide Web was created, it has changed the world, its uses are growing every day.
Èíòåðíåò áîë ò¿¿õýí äýõü õàìãèéí ÷óõàë èòãýìýýðã¿é ç¿éëèéí íýã þì. Ýíý íü 1968 îíä ÀÍÓ-í çàñãèéí ãàçðûí àøèãëàæ ýõýëñýí áîëîâ÷ àíõ ýõýíäýý Ø/ó-íä õýðýãëýæ áàéñàí. 1990 îíû ¿åä äýëõèéí âåá ñàéòûã çîõèîí á¿òýýñýí áà ýíý íü äýëõèéã ººð÷èëæ, ºäºð á¿ð ºðãºíººð õýðãýëñýýð áàéíà.
(a) What exactly is the Internet?
The Internet is a network (several network, in fact) of millions, of computers around the world, connected by phone lines, satellite or cable, so that all the computers on the net can exchange information with each other.
Èíãåðíåò ãýæ þ¿ âý?
Èíòåðíåò ãýäýã áîë äýëõèéí ýðãýí òîéðîí äàõü îëîí ñàÿ êîìïüþòåðûã õîëáîñîí ñ¿ëæýý òîð áºãººä ýíý íü õèéìýë äàãóóëòàé óòàñààð õîëáîãäñîí öàõèëãààí óòàñ þì. ̺í ò¿¿í÷ëýí á¿õ êîìïüþòåð¿¿ä áèå áèåòýýãýý õîëáîãäîí ìýäýýëýë ñîëèëöäîã.
2. (d) That’s the same thing as the Web, isn’t?
Not quite. The Internet links computers, and the World Wide Web is a system which links the information stored inside these computers.
Âåá ñàéòòàé àäèë ç¿éë áàéíà óó?
Á¿ðýí ä¿¿ðýí áèø, êîìïüþòåð¿¿ä èíòåðíåòýýð õîëáîãäñîí áàéõ áà äýëõèéã õîëáîñîí âåá ñàéò ñ¿ëæýý íü á¿õ êîìïüþòåð¿¿äèéã ìýäýýëýýð õàíãàäàã ñèñòåì þì.
3. (f) What is a web site, and how do I visit one?
A company or organization stores its information in electronic documents on one of the Internet computers, somewhere in the world. This computer space- the company’s web site- has an address, in the same way that every telephone has a number. To visit a web site, you simply enter the address. Your computer is connected to the web site, a document is a downloaded, and a page appears on your computer screen.
Âåá ñàéò ãýæ þ¿ âý? ÿàæ îðæ áîëäîã âý?
Äýëõèéí õààíààñ÷ êîìïàíè áîëîí àëáàí áàéãóóëàãóóä ìýäýýëýë áè÷èã áàðèìòàà ýëåêòðîíîîð õ¿¿ð¿íä¿¿ õàðüöäàãûí íýã íü èíòåðíåò êîìïüþòåð¿¿ä þì.
Ýíý íü êîìïüþòåð äàõü êîìïàíèé- âåá ñàéò- ìºí õàÿã íü áàéõ áà á¿õ óòàñíóóä äóãààðòàé áàéäàãòàé àäèë þì.
4. (b) What do I need in order to use the Internet?
When you visit a web site looking for information, some words on the page may be underlined, showing that there is more information about the subject in another document. If you click on one of these words, the Web automatically connected your computer to a new document or web site, even if this is stored thousands of kilometers away. You’re surfing in the net!
Áè èíòåðíåòýýã õýðýãëýõäýý ÿìàð äàðààëëààð îðîõ âý?
Âåá ñàéòðóó îðîí ìýäýýëèéã õàðæ áàéõàä ìàãàäã¿é çàðèì ¿ã áîëîí õóóäñóóä íü òýìäýãëýãäñýí áàéõ òýð ¿åä ººð íýã áè÷èã áàðèìò àãóóëñàí òóõàéëáàë ìýäýýëýë çýðýã ç¿éëñ ¿çýãäýæ áîëíî. õýðâýý ÷è àëü íýã ¿ãýíäýýð äàðâàë àÿíäàà ìÿíãàí êèëîìåòðûã òóóëæ èðýõ âåá ñàéòòàé õîëáîãäîõ áºãººä ýíý íü ÷è èíòåðíåòýýð àÿëàæ áàéíà ãýñýí ¿ã þì.
5. (e) What can I use the Internet for?
The main use of the Internet is to find information – for your schoolwork or job, or just to find out more about your hobbies, sports or current events. You can also use the Internet to read newspapers and magazines, play games, plan your holiday or buy things from your favorite shop. E-mail makes is possible to send electronic messages anywhere in the world in seconds, and you can use the Internet to “chat” with people and make new friends.
Áè èíòåðíåòûã þóíä àøèãëàõ âý?
Èíòåðíåòûã àøèãëàí ãîë ÷óõàë ìýäýýëëýý îëæ àâàõûí òóëä ººðèéí ñóðãóóëèéí àæèë ýñâýë ñïîðò äóðòàé ç¿éë¿¿ä ÷èíü õýðýãòýéâò¿¿í÷ëýí èíòåðíåòûã àøèãëàí ñîíèí, ñýòã¿¿ë óíàøèõ, òîãëîîì òîãëîõ, àìðàëòûí ãàçàðóóä, ìºí äýëã¿¿ðýýñ äóðòàé ç¿éëýý õóäàëäàæ àâ÷ áîëíî. ìàãàäã¿é äýëõèéí õààíà÷ è-ìýéë áîëîí ýëåêòðîí øóóäàíãààð çàõèà áè÷èæ áîëîõ áºãººä îëîí øèíý íàéçóóäòàé áîëæ òýäýíòýé “÷àòàëæ” áîëíî.
6. (c) How do I “surf the net”
If you don’t already use the Internet, all you need to get started is a computer, a modem and phone line. Using the Internet is a getting cheaper and easier all the time.
Are you ready to surf the net? There’s a whole exiting Internet world out there waiting for you!
Èíòåðíåòèéã ÿàæ àøèëàæ îðîõ âý?
Õýðâýý ÷è òºäèéëºí èíòåðíåòèéã ñàéí àøèãëàæ ÷àäàõã¿é áîë êîìïüþòåðèéíõàà á¿ ç¿éëèéã ýõë¿¿ëæ óòàñàà ñ¿ëæýýíä õîëáóóëàõ õýðýãòýé. Èíòåðíåò àøèãëàõ íü õÿìäõàí áºãººä àìàð õÿëáàð áîëñîîð áàéíà.
×è èíòåðíåò àøèãëàõäàà áèëýí¿¿? Á¿õýë á¿òýí èíòåðíåòèéí åðòºíö òàíûã õ¿ëýýæ áàéíà.
Èíòåðíåò áîë ò¿¿õýí äýõü õàìãèéí ÷óõàë èòãýìýýðã¿é ç¿éëèéí íýã þì. Ýíý íü 1968 îíä ÀÍÓ-í çàñãèéí ãàçðûí àøèãëàæ ýõýëñýí áîëîâ÷ àíõ ýõýíäýý Ø/ó-íä õýðýãëýæ áàéñàí. 1990 îíû ¿åä äýëõèéí âåá ñàéòûã çîõèîí á¿òýýñýí áà ýíý íü äýëõèéã ººð÷èëæ, ºäºð á¿ð ºðãºíººð õýðãýëñýýð áàéíà.
(a) What exactly is the Internet?
The Internet is a network (several network, in fact) of millions, of computers around the world, connected by phone lines, satellite or cable, so that all the computers on the net can exchange information with each other.
Èíãåðíåò ãýæ þ¿ âý?
Èíòåðíåò ãýäýã áîë äýëõèéí ýðãýí òîéðîí äàõü îëîí ñàÿ êîìïüþòåðûã õîëáîñîí ñ¿ëæýý òîð áºãººä ýíý íü õèéìýë äàãóóëòàé óòàñààð õîëáîãäñîí öàõèëãààí óòàñ þì. ̺í ò¿¿í÷ëýí á¿õ êîìïüþòåð¿¿ä áèå áèåòýýãýý õîëáîãäîí ìýäýýëýë ñîëèëöäîã.
2. (d) That’s the same thing as the Web, isn’t?
Not quite. The Internet links computers, and the World Wide Web is a system which links the information stored inside these computers.
Âåá ñàéòòàé àäèë ç¿éë áàéíà óó?
Á¿ðýí ä¿¿ðýí áèø, êîìïüþòåð¿¿ä èíòåðíåòýýð õîëáîãäñîí áàéõ áà äýëõèéã õîëáîñîí âåá ñàéò ñ¿ëæýý íü á¿õ êîìïüþòåð¿¿äèéã ìýäýýëýýð õàíãàäàã ñèñòåì þì.
3. (f) What is a web site, and how do I visit one?
A company or organization stores its information in electronic documents on one of the Internet computers, somewhere in the world. This computer space- the company’s web site- has an address, in the same way that every telephone has a number. To visit a web site, you simply enter the address. Your computer is connected to the web site, a document is a downloaded, and a page appears on your computer screen.
Âåá ñàéò ãýæ þ¿ âý? ÿàæ îðæ áîëäîã âý?
Äýëõèéí õààíààñ÷ êîìïàíè áîëîí àëáàí áàéãóóëàãóóä ìýäýýëýë áè÷èã áàðèìòàà ýëåêòðîíîîð õ¿¿ð¿íä¿¿ õàðüöäàãûí íýã íü èíòåðíåò êîìïüþòåð¿¿ä þì.
Ýíý íü êîìïüþòåð äàõü êîìïàíèé- âåá ñàéò- ìºí õàÿã íü áàéõ áà á¿õ óòàñíóóä äóãààðòàé áàéäàãòàé àäèë þì.
4. (b) What do I need in order to use the Internet?
When you visit a web site looking for information, some words on the page may be underlined, showing that there is more information about the subject in another document. If you click on one of these words, the Web automatically connected your computer to a new document or web site, even if this is stored thousands of kilometers away. You’re surfing in the net!
Áè èíòåðíåòýýã õýðýãëýõäýý ÿìàð äàðààëëààð îðîõ âý?
Âåá ñàéòðóó îðîí ìýäýýëèéã õàðæ áàéõàä ìàãàäã¿é çàðèì ¿ã áîëîí õóóäñóóä íü òýìäýãëýãäñýí áàéõ òýð ¿åä ººð íýã áè÷èã áàðèìò àãóóëñàí òóõàéëáàë ìýäýýëýë çýðýã ç¿éëñ ¿çýãäýæ áîëíî. õýðâýý ÷è àëü íýã ¿ãýíäýýð äàðâàë àÿíäàà ìÿíãàí êèëîìåòðûã òóóëæ èðýõ âåá ñàéòòàé õîëáîãäîõ áºãººä ýíý íü ÷è èíòåðíåòýýð àÿëàæ áàéíà ãýñýí ¿ã þì.
5. (e) What can I use the Internet for?
The main use of the Internet is to find information – for your schoolwork or job, or just to find out more about your hobbies, sports or current events. You can also use the Internet to read newspapers and magazines, play games, plan your holiday or buy things from your favorite shop. E-mail makes is possible to send electronic messages anywhere in the world in seconds, and you can use the Internet to “chat” with people and make new friends.
Áè èíòåðíåòûã þóíä àøèãëàõ âý?
Èíòåðíåòûã àøèãëàí ãîë ÷óõàë ìýäýýëëýý îëæ àâàõûí òóëä ººðèéí ñóðãóóëèéí àæèë ýñâýë ñïîðò äóðòàé ç¿éë¿¿ä ÷èíü õýðýãòýéâò¿¿í÷ëýí èíòåðíåòûã àøèãëàí ñîíèí, ñýòã¿¿ë óíàøèõ, òîãëîîì òîãëîõ, àìðàëòûí ãàçàðóóä, ìºí äýëã¿¿ðýýñ äóðòàé ç¿éëýý õóäàëäàæ àâ÷ áîëíî. ìàãàäã¿é äýëõèéí õààíà÷ è-ìýéë áîëîí ýëåêòðîí øóóäàíãààð çàõèà áè÷èæ áîëîõ áºãººä îëîí øèíý íàéçóóäòàé áîëæ òýäýíòýé “÷àòàëæ” áîëíî.
6. (c) How do I “surf the net”
If you don’t already use the Internet, all you need to get started is a computer, a modem and phone line. Using the Internet is a getting cheaper and easier all the time.
Are you ready to surf the net? There’s a whole exiting Internet world out there waiting for you!
Èíòåðíåòèéã ÿàæ àøèëàæ îðîõ âý?
Õýðâýý ÷è òºäèéëºí èíòåðíåòèéã ñàéí àøèãëàæ ÷àäàõã¿é áîë êîìïüþòåðèéíõàà á¿ ç¿éëèéã ýõë¿¿ëæ óòàñàà ñ¿ëæýýíä õîëáóóëàõ õýðýãòýé. Èíòåðíåò àøèãëàõ íü õÿìäõàí áºãººä àìàð õÿëáàð áîëñîîð áàéíà.
×è èíòåðíåò àøèãëàõäàà áèëýí¿¿? Á¿õýë á¿òýí èíòåðíåòèéí åðòºíö òàíûã õ¿ëýýæ áàéíà.
I never forget my visit to the Mongolia. I decided to go at the beginning July, the local people have their. Naadam festival every year, 12th of July, the people see archery, horse-racing, wrestle and just participate men in including in Naadam. It’s very interesting. Maybe can ride a racing-horse 5-8 years old a children.
when I arrived there a few days before the beginning of the Naadam, I was amazed at the preparations involved.
Every where I went I could smell Khuushuur and khorkhog cooking ready for the Naadam. It’s all delicious national food.
The local people wear national clothes. Called a del. It’s made of silk. That is light and looks elegant.
On the day evening of the Naadam I really enjoyed, walking around the city center end watching the concer
I never forget my visit to the Mongolia. I decided to go at the beginning July, the local people have their. Naadam festival every year, 12th of July, the people see archery, horse-racing, wrestle and just participate men in including in Naadam. It’s very interesting. Maybe can ride a racing-horse 5-8 years old a children.
when I arrived there a few days before the beginning of the Naadam, I was amazed at the preparations involved.
Every where I went I could smell Khuushuur and khorkhog cooking ready for the Naadam. It’s all delicious national food.
The local people wear national clothes. Called a del. It’s made of silk. That is light and looks elegant.
On the day evening of the Naadam I really enjoyed, walking around the city center end watching the concer
when I arrived there a few days before the beginning of the Naadam, I was amazed at the preparations involved.
Every where I went I could smell Khuushuur and khorkhog cooking ready for the Naadam. It’s all delicious national food.
The local people wear national clothes. Called a del. It’s made of silk. That is light and looks elegant.
On the day evening of the Naadam I really enjoyed, walking around the city center end watching the concer
I never forget my visit to the Mongolia. I decided to go at the beginning July, the local people have their. Naadam festival every year, 12th of July, the people see archery, horse-racing, wrestle and just participate men in including in Naadam. It’s very interesting. Maybe can ride a racing-horse 5-8 years old a children.
when I arrived there a few days before the beginning of the Naadam, I was amazed at the preparations involved.
Every where I went I could smell Khuushuur and khorkhog cooking ready for the Naadam. It’s all delicious national food.
The local people wear national clothes. Called a del. It’s made of silk. That is light and looks elegant.
On the day evening of the Naadam I really enjoyed, walking around the city center end watching the concer
Sunday, May 10, 2009
The big Megjid Janraisg is located in the Zaisan tolgoi of Ulaanbator city and is the national symbol of Mongolia. It is a large statue of a Megjid Janraisg standing on a rock. Megjid Janraisg is buddism gad.
The statue was build to commemorate the independence from china proclaimend on 18 December 1911. the statue is made by people’s donation, and it is 26,5m high, 90 tons weight, 8.6 kg precious, stones decorate the head of the statue.
The big Megjid Janeaisg is visited by more than a million people every year. You will be amazed by this delightful statue. Which is missed by visitor to the Ulaanbator area.
The statue was build to commemorate the independence from china proclaimend on 18 December 1911. the statue is made by people’s donation, and it is 26,5m high, 90 tons weight, 8.6 kg precious, stones decorate the head of the statue.
The big Megjid Janeaisg is visited by more than a million people every year. You will be amazed by this delightful statue. Which is missed by visitor to the Ulaanbator area.
A total of 138 species of mammals, 449 species of birds , 75 species of fish , 6 species of amphibians and 22 species of reptiles have been registered on the animal kingdom list of Mongolia. Of the above-mentioned animals 24 mammals are basic hunting animals, 32 hunted by just a few and 4 are not to be hunted. A total of 30 species and sub-species mammals are listed in the rare and very rare classifications of the Mongolian Red Book, which was revised in 1997. Wide animals such as tuna, bactrain camel, wild donkey, are very rare of the Mongolia red book. Today people hunt these animal . I think the main reason to hunt them is bad law written for animal prevention. It is illegal, hunters kill these wild animals to us meat, and fur. Wild animals are getting rare. They are in danger of becoming extinct. So people must stop kill the wild animals.
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